beg off

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beg off

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:52:59

英 [beɡ ɔf]

美 [bɛɡ ɔf]

beg off基本解释



  • 英英释义
  • 网络解释


1. ask for permission to be released from an engagement

Synonym: excuse


1. 请求免除:beg leave请允许 | beg off请求免除 | beg the question回避问题实质

2. beg off是什么意思

2. 因不能出席或无法应命而请求原谅 借故推辞[谢绝] 请假:beg of sb. 向某人恳求 | beg off 因不能出席或无法应命而请求原谅 借故推辞[谢绝] 请假 | beg sb. off 替某人请求原谅, 为某人说情, 辞退某人

3. 请假;请示免除(责任、责罚等):I beg of you to give me a chance to speak. 我请求你给我一个发言的机会. | beg off请假;请示免除(责任、责罚等): | She had to beg off for a week because of her illness. 她因病不得不请了一周的假.

4. 恳求免除(某种义务):501beg off恳求免除(某种义务) | 502beggarn. 乞丐; vt. 使贫穷 | 503begin开始

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
The boy is now the star witness in a case that has exposed a criminal gang that, according to investigators, has snatched children off the streets, maimed them and sent them out to beg for money.(男孩现在已经成了这起案件的明星证人,根据调查人员的陈述,这桩案子揭露一个犯罪团伙,他们从大街上把小孩子抓走,使其致残,并把他们放回街头乞讨。)
Person pork engine let this cleaner while MM has his moment quickly, the life that also lets her becomes not quiet, she begins to beg people to let off her now.(人肉引擎让这个清洁工MM迅速走红的同时,也让她的生活变得不平静,她现在开始求人们放过她。)
They let the Banks off and we have to beg and plead.(他们对银行心慈手软,我们却要低声下气。)
Mother told Tom to sweep away the dead leaves in the yard, but he tried to beg off.(妈妈要汤姆打扫庭院里的落叶,可他却极力请求别叫他干这件事。)
What are these voices outside love's open door. Make us throw off our contentment And beg for something more?(在敞开着的心扉之外,是什么声音使我们不再感到满足,使我们苛求得到更多的东西呢?。)
She loved to hear me, often switching off the radio to beg me to sing it one more time.(她喜欢听我唱歌,常常关掉收录机,央求我再唱一遍。)
Jinxiu slaps herself to beg the customer to let Bingding off.(客人要告丙丁,锦秀于是自打耳光为丙丁求情。)
Harry was running a fever, so we went to the office to beg him off from sentry duty that evening.(哈利在发烧,所以我们去办公室要求免去他当天晚上值班任务。)
My father is gone to London, and Jane has written to beg my uncle '; s immediate assistance, and we shall be off, I hope, in half an hour.(我父亲到伦敦去了,吉英写信来,要舅父立刻回去帮忙,我希望我们在半个钟头之内就能动身。)
Half past four is an awkward time for me to attend a meeting, as I don't finish work until five, but I will try and beg off for half an hour.(要我四点半去开会很尴尬,因为我要五点才下班,但我打算想办法请半小时假。)
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